import { Matrix } from "../matrix/index.js";
import { euclidean_squared } from "../metrics/index.js";
import { DR } from "./DR.js";
* @class
* @alias TSNE
* @extends DR
export class TSNE extends DR {
* @constructor
* @memberof module:dimensionality_reduction
* @alias TSNE
* @param {Matrix} X - the high-dimensional data.
* @param {object} parameters - Object containing parameterization of the DR method.
* @param {number} [parameters.perplexity = 50] - perplexity.
* @param {number} [parameters.epsilon = 10] - learning parameter.
* @param {number} [parameters.d = 2] - the dimensionality of the projection.
* @param {function|"precomputed"} [parameters.metric = euclidean_squared] - the metric which defines the distance between two points.
* @param {number} [parameters.seed = 1212] - the seed for the random number generator.
* @returns {TSNE}
constructor(X, parameters) {
super(X, { perplexity: 50, epsilon: 10, d: 2, metric: euclidean_squared, seed: 1212 }, parameters);
[this._N, this._D] = this.X.shape;
this._iter = 0;
this.Y = new Matrix(this._N, this.parameter("d"), () => this._randomizer.gauss_random() * 1e-4);
return this;
* @returns {TSNE}
init() {
// init
const Htarget = Math.log(this.parameter("perplexity"));
const N = this._N;
const D = this._D;
const { metric } = this._parameters;
const X = this.X;
let Delta;
if (metric == "precomputed") {
Delta = druid.Matrix.from(X);
} else {
Delta = new Matrix(N, N);
for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
const X_i = X.row(i);
for (let j = i + 1; j < N; ++j) {
const distance = metric(X_i, X.row(j));
Delta.set_entry(i, j, distance);
Delta.set_entry(j, i, distance);
const P = new Matrix(N, N, 0);
this._ystep = new Matrix(N, D, 0);
this._gains = new Matrix(N, D, 1);
// search for fitting sigma
const tol = 1e-4;
const maxtries = 50;
for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
const dist_i = Delta.row(i);
const prow = P.row(i);
let betamin = -Infinity;
let betamax = Infinity;
let beta = 1;
let cnt = maxtries;
let done = false;
let psum;
while (!done && cnt--) {
// compute entropy and kernel row with beta precision
psum = 0;
let dp_sum = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
const dist = dist_i[j];
const pj = i !== j ? Math.exp(-dist * beta) : 0;
dp_sum += dist * pj;
prow[j] = pj;
psum += pj;
// compute entropy
const H = psum > 0 ? Math.log(psum) + (beta * dp_sum) / psum : 0;
if (H > Htarget) {
betamin = beta;
beta = betamax === Infinity ? beta * 2 : (beta + betamax) / 2;
} else {
betamax = beta;
beta = betamin === -Infinity ? beta / 2 : (beta + betamin) / 2;
done = Math.abs(H - Htarget) < tol;
// normalize p
for (let j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
prow[j] /= psum;
// compute probabilities
const N2 = N * 2;
for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
for (let j = i; j < N; ++j) {
const p = Math.max((P.entry(i, j) + P.entry(j, i)) / N2, 1e-100);
P.set_entry(i, j, p);
P.set_entry(j, i, p);
this._P = P;
return this;
* @param {number} [iterations=500] - number of iterations.
* @returns {Matrix|number[][]} the projection.
transform(iterations = 500) {
for (let i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) {;
return this.projection;
* @param {number} [iterations=500] - number of iterations.
* @yields {Matrix|number[][]} - the projection.
*generator(iterations = 500) {
for (let i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) {;
yield this.projection;
return this.projection;
* performs a optimization step
* @private
* @returns {Matrix}
next() {
const iter = ++this._iter;
const P = this._P;
const ystep = this._ystep;
const gains = this._gains;
const N = this._N;
const { d: dim, epsilon } = this._parameters;
let Y = this.Y;
//calc cost gradient;
const pmul = iter < 100 ? 4 : 1;
// compute Q dist (unnormalized)
const Qu = new Matrix(N, N, "zeros");
let qsum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
for (let j = i + 1; j < N; ++j) {
let dsum = 0;
for (let d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
const dhere = Y.entry(i, d) - Y.entry(j, d);
dsum += dhere * dhere;
const qu = 1 / (1 + dsum);
Qu.set_entry(i, j, qu);
Qu.set_entry(j, i, qu);
qsum += 2 * qu;
// normalize Q dist
const Q = new Matrix(N, N, 0);
for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
for (let j = i + 1; j < N; ++j) {
const val = Math.max(Qu.entry(i, j) / qsum, 1e-100);
Q.set_entry(i, j, val);
Q.set_entry(j, i, val);
const grad = new Matrix(N, dim, "zeros");
for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
for (let j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
const premult = 4 * (pmul * P.entry(i, j) - Q.entry(i, j)) * Qu.entry(i, j);
for (let d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
grad.add_entry(i, d, premult * (Y.entry(i, d) - Y.entry(j, d)));
// perform gradient step
let ymean = new Float64Array(dim);
for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
for (let d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
const gid = grad.entry(i, d);
const sid = ystep.entry(i, d);
const gainid = gains.entry(i, d);
let newgain = Math.sign(gid) === Math.sign(sid) ? gainid * 0.8 : gainid + 0.2;
if (newgain < 0.01) newgain = 0.01;
gains.set_entry(i, d, newgain);
const momval = iter < 250 ? 0.5 : 0.8;
const newsid = momval * sid - epsilon * newgain * gid;
ystep.set_entry(i, d, newsid);
Y.add_entry(i, d, newsid);
ymean[d] += Y.entry(i, d);
for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
for (let d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
Y.sub_entry(i, d, ymean[d] / N);
return this.Y;