
import { euclidean } from "../metrics/index.js";
import { Heap } from "../datastructure/index.js";

 * @class
 * @alias OPTICS
export class OPTICS {
     * **O**rdering **P**oints **T**o **I**dentify the **C**lustering **S**tructure.
     * @constructor
     * @memberof module:clustering
     * @alias OPTICS
     * @todo needs restructuring. 
     * @param {Matrix} matrix - the data.
     * @param {Number} epsilon - the minimum distance which defines whether a point is a neighbor or not.
     * @param {Number} min_points - the minimum number of points which a point needs to create a cluster. (Should be higher than 1, else each point creates a cluster.)
     * @param {Function} [metric = euclidean] - the distance metric which defines the distance between two points of the {@link matrix}.
     * @returns {OPTICS}
     * @see {@link}
     * @see {@link}
    constructor(matrix, epsilon, min_points, metric = euclidean) {
        this._matrix = matrix;
        this._epsilon = epsilon;
        this._min_points = min_points;
        this._metric = metric;

        this._ordered_list = [];
        this._clusters = [];
        this._DB = new Array(matrix.shape[0]).fill();
        return this;

     * Computes the clustering.
    init() {
        const ordered_list = this._ordered_list;
        const matrix = this._matrix;
        const N = matrix.shape[0];
        const DB = this._DB;
        const clusters = this._clusters;
        let cluster_index = this._cluster_index = 0;

        for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
            DB[i] = {
                "element": matrix.row(i),
                "index": i,
                "reachability_distance": undefined,
                "processed": false,
        for (const p of DB) {
            if (p.processed) continue;
            p.neighbors = this._get_neighbors(p);
            p.processed = true;
            cluster_index = clusters.length - 1;
            if (this._core_distance(p) != undefined) {
                const seeds = new Heap(null, d => d.reachability_distance, "min")
                this._update(p, seeds);
                this._expand_cluster(seeds, clusters[cluster_index]);
        return this;

     * @private
     * @param {Object} p - a point of {@link matrix}.
     * @returns {Array} An array consisting of the {@link epsilon}-neighborhood of {@link p}.
    _get_neighbors(p) {
        if ("neighbors" in p) return p.neighbors;
        const DB = this._DB;
        const metric = this._metric;
        const epsilon = this._epsilon;
        const neighbors = [];
        for (const q of DB) {
            if (q.index == p.index) continue;
            if (metric(p.element, q.element) < epsilon) {
        return neighbors;

     * @private
     * @param {Object} p - a point of {@link matrix}.
     * @returns {Number} The distance to the {@link min_points}-th nearest point of {@link p}, or undefined if the {@link epsilon}-neighborhood has fewer elements than {@link min_points}.
    _core_distance(p) {
        const min_points = this._min_points;
        const metric = this._metric;
        if (p.neighbors && p.neighbors.length <= min_points) {
            return undefined;
        return metric(p.element, p.neighbors[min_points].element);

     * Updates the reachability distance of the points.
     * @private
     * @param {Object} p 
     * @param {Heap} seeds 
    _update(p, seeds) {
        const metric = this._metric;
        const core_distance = this._core_distance(p);
        const neighbors = this._get_neighbors(p);//p.neighbors;
        for (const q of neighbors) {
            if (q.processed) continue;
            const new_reachability_distance = Math.max(core_distance, metric(p.element, q.element));
            //if (q.reachability_distance == undefined) { // q is not in seeds
            if (seeds.raw_data().findIndex(d => d.element == q) < 0) {
                q.reachability_distance = new_reachability_distance;
            } else { // q is in seeds
                if (new_reachability_distance < q.reachability_distance) {
                    q.reachability_distance = new_reachability_distance;
                    seeds = Heap.heapify(, d => d.reachability_distance, "min"); // seeds change key =/

     * Expands the {@link cluster} with points in {@link seeds}.
     * @private
     * @param {Heap} seeds 
     * @param {Array} cluster 
    _expand_cluster(seeds, cluster) {
        const ordered_list = this._ordered_list;
        while (!seeds.empty) {
            const q = seeds.pop().element;
            q.neighbors = this._get_neighbors(q);
            q.processed = true;
            if (this._core_distance(q) != undefined) {
                this._update(q, seeds);
                this._expand_cluster(seeds, cluster);

     * Returns an array of clusters.
     * @returns {Array<Array>} Array of clusters with the indices of the rows in given {@link matrix}.
    get_clusters() {
        const clusters = [];
        const outliers = [];
        const min_points = this._min_points;
        for (const cluster of this._clusters) {
            if (cluster.length < min_points) {
            } else {
        return clusters;

     * @returns {Array} Returns an array, where the ith entry defines the cluster affirmation of the ith point of {@link matrix}. (-1 stands for outlier)
    get_cluster_affirmation() {
        const N = this._matrix.shape[0];
        const result = new Array(N).fill();
        const clusters = this.get_clusters();
        for (let i = 0, n = clusters.length; i < n; ++i) {
            const cluster = clusters[i]
            for (const index of cluster) {
                result[index] = (i < n - 1) ? i : -1;
        return result;